
From journalist, to ad agency copywriter and radio/TV producer, to financial services marketing executive, I never strayed too far from photography – but as avocation, not a job.

My interest in photography began when I was using a Crown Graphic 4×5 to grab the photos I needed to accompany the news stories I was writing for weekly and daily newspapers. Since then, I have been taking photos because I could and because there have been some moments in time, or some images I wanted to capture.

Over the years I’ve played with photo processing in darkrooms, building pinhole cameras, and manipulating Polaroids. Today, I shoot 35mm film (prefer to shoot with a rangefinder camera) or digital. And although I used to think of Photoshop as silliness, I admit I’ve grown to think of it as a way to burn and dodge without the chemicals.

My wife and I live in Philadelphia, but we do get to do some traveling. I take a lot of pictures.  I’ve taken a few master classes and workshops with some pretty impressive pros. Mostly, I suppose I practice photography.

Look through my galleries. Although the photos are not here to sell copies, if you see something you like, let me know.

Again, thanks for visiting.